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Research Articles

Schurian-Dąbrowska, Luise, Krause, Kristine. 2023. “Researching Words without Speaking Them. Language as Care Practice in Multi-Lingual Care Environments in Poland” Medical Anthropology, 42: 8: 815-827.

Ezzeddine, Petra; Krause, Kristine (2022): Profitable Bodies and Care Mobilities in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Global Dialogue 12 (3), pp. 41–42.

Book Chapters

Prieler, Veronika (2024) Emotional support, matchmaking, and administrative services as care work. Intermediaries’ role in relocating seniors to care homes abroad. In: Atzmüller, Roland; Binner, Kristina; Décieux, Fabienne; Deindl, Raphael; Grubner, Johanna; Kreissl, Katharina (eds.) Gesellschaft in Transformation. Sorge, Kämpfe und Kapitalismus. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa, 89–98.

Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Prieler, Veronika (2024) The ‘good agency’? On the interplay of formalization and informality in the contested marketization of live-in care in Austria. In: Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Lutz, Helma; Palenga-Möllenbeck, Ewa; Schwiter, Karin (eds.) Home Care for Sale. The Transnational Brokering of Senior Care in Europe. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Singapore: Sage, 79–94.

Conference presentations

Krause, Kristine, Prieler, Veronika and Horváth, Hanna ‘Care transitions, housing positionalities and anticipation work’, paper presented at 4th Vienna Anthropology Days 2024, Vienna, Austria, 25 September, 2024.

Jelínek, Matouš ‘Long Gone but Still so Present: How Histories Shape Care for German Seniors in Former Sudeten’ paper presented at the RSA Central and Eastern European (CEE) Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 12 September, 2024.

Krause, Kristine, Jelínek, Matouš, Sapieha, Mariusz, Prieler, Veronika ‘Phantom Borders or How History is Folded into Care’ paper presented at the EASA2024: 18th EASA Biennial Conference: Doing and Undoing with Anthropology, Barcelona, Spain, 26 July, 2024.

Jelínek, Matouš ‘Managing Language, Organizing Communication: The Case of German-speaking Seniors in the Czech Nursing Homes’ paper presented at the Creative Care: Nursing and the Health Humanities, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23 May, 2024.

Krause, Kristine and Prieler, Veronika ‘Care relocation and live-in care in Europe. Two sides of the same coin?’ paper presented at the International Symposium Care Migration – Care Marketization: Reflections on a Complex Interplay, Linz, Austria, 24 March, 2024.

Krause, Kristine and Petra Ezzeddine ‘We cannot afford to not care about care’, episode of Crossroads Podcast, 7 January, 2023.

Krause, Kristine, Ezzeddine, Petra, Jelínek, Matouš, Prieler, Veronika, Sapieha, Mariusz, Sekeráková Búriková, Zuzana. ‘German-speaking seniors in CEE countries: transnational care relocation and care regimes in Europe’ paper presented at the ESA Research Network nr. 26 mid-term conference: From the cradle to the grave? Social policy in diverse temporal and spatial contexts, Berlin, Germany, 8 October, 2022.

Krause, Kristine, Jelínek, Matouš, Prieler, Veronika Sapieha, Mariusz, ‘Relocating care: “enclosing” social citizenship, overlapping histories and shifting boundaries’ paper presented at the EASA2024: 17th EASA biennial conference: Transformation, Hope and the Commons, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 26 July, 2022.

Krause, Kristine and Petra Ezzeddine ‘Profitable bodies: commercial care within uneven care geographies in Europe’, paper presented at International Symposium: Borders, Mobility of Care and Translocal Social Reproduction, Prague, Czech Republic, 2 December, 2021.

Krause, Kristine ‘Relocating German elderly to Poland. Thinking mobilities, places and entangled histories with care’, invited lecture, Departmental Seminar, University of Bayreuth, Germany, 30 November 2021.

Krause, Kristine ‘Relocating Care within Europe: Of what is this a case? Thinking with an emergent and marginal phenomenon’, invited lecture at the Sovereignty and social contestation seminar, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3 June 2021.

Krause, Kristine and Oliva Killias ‘Care Homes as Places of Intersecting Histories’, paper presented at the conference Transforming Care, Thematic Panel 1: Intersectionality in Care, Venice, Italy, 24-26 June 2021.

Krause, Kristine and Mariusz Sapieha ‘Care relocation and transnational commercial care infrastructures in Central Europe’, paper presented at the conference Decent Care Work? Transnational home care arrangements, Frankfurt, Germany, 6-8 April 2021.

Krause, Kristine, Luise Schurian and Mariusz Sapieha ‘Perfume, buildings and graves. Ways of relating in transnational chronic care infrastructures’, paper presented at the Chronic Living Conference: quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-6 March 2021.

Krause, Kristine ‘Thinking care as moments of meeting: the case of German elderly in private Polish care homes’, paper presented at the workshop: Moments of Meetings, Elizabeth Hsu, 60th birthday, Oxford, United Kingdom, 13-14 September 2019.

Krause, Kristine, Mariusz Sapieha and Luise Schurian ‘Between geriatric colonialism and liberal entrepreneurialism: the case of care homes for Germans in Poland’, paper presented at the IUAES Inter-Congress, Poznan, Poland, 27–31 August 2019.

Krause, Kristine ‘Places as intersections in care outsourcing from Germany to Poland’, paper presented at the Care and Place symposium, UvA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 July 2019. 

Krause, Kristine, Mariusz Sapieha and Luise Schurian ‘Care homes for Germans in Poland: of what is this a case? Preliminary readings of an emergent phenomenon’, invited lecture, Departmental Seminar, Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Poznan, Poland, 27 May 2019.

Krause, Kristine and Mariusz Sapieha ‘Waiting for German elderly: care outsourcing through global care corporations and transnational care entrepreneurs in Poland’, paper presented at the 15th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 14–17 August 2018.

Research Articles

Schurian-Dąbrowska, Luise, Krause, Kristine. 2023. “Researching Words without Speaking Them. Language as Care Practice in Multi-Lingual Care Environments in Poland” Medical Anthropology, 42: 8: 815-827.

Ezzeddine, Petra; Krause, Kristine (2022): Profitable Bodies and Care Mobilities in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Global Dialogue 12 (3), pp. 41–42.

Book Chapters

Prieler, Veronika (2024) Emotional support, matchmaking, and administrative services as care work. Intermediaries’ role in relocating seniors to care homes abroad. In: Atzmüller, Roland; Binner, Kristina; Décieux, Fabienne; Deindl, Raphael; Grubner, Johanna; Kreissl, Katharina (eds.) Gesellschaft in Transformation. Sorge, Kämpfe und Kapitalismus. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa, 89–98.

Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Prieler, Veronika (2024) The ‘good agency’? On the interplay of formalization and informality in the contested marketization of live-in care in Austria. In: Aulenbacher, Brigitte; Lutz, Helma; Palenga-Möllenbeck, Ewa; Schwiter, Karin (eds.) Home Care for Sale. The Transnational Brokering of Senior Care in Europe. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, Singapore: Sage, 79–94.

Conference presentations

Krause, Kristine, Prieler, Veronika and Horváth, Hanna ‘Care transitions, housing positionalities and anticipation work’, paper presented at 4th Vienna Anthropology Days 2024, Vienna, Austria, 25 September, 2024.

Krause, Kristine and Prieler, Veronika ‘Care relocation and live-in care in Europe. Two sides of the same coin?’ paper presented at the International Symposium Care Migration – Care Marketization: Reflections on a Complex Interplay, Linz, Austria, 24 March, 2024.

Krause, Kristine and Petra Ezzeddine ‘We cannot afford to not care about care’, episode of Crossroads Podcast, 7 January, 2023.

Krause, Kristine and Petra Ezzeddine ‘Profitable bodies: commercial care within uneven care geographies in Europe’, paper presented at International Symposium: Borders, Mobility of Care and Translocal Social Reproduction, Prague, Czech Republic, 2 December, 2021.

Krause, Kristine ‘Relocating German elderly to Poland. Thinking mobilities, places and entangled histories with care’, invited lecture, Departmental Seminar, University of Bayreuth, Germany, 30 November 2021.

Krause, Kristine ‘Relocating Care within Europe: Of what is this a case? Thinking with an emergent and marginal phenomenon’, invited lecture at the Sovereignty and social contestation seminar, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3 June 2021.

Krause, Kristine and Oliva Killias ‘Care Homes as Places of Intersecting Histories’, paper presented at the conference Transforming Care, Thematic Panel 1: Intersectionality in Care, Venice, Italy, 24-26 June 2021.

Krause, Kristine and Mariusz Sapieha ‘Care relocation and transnational commercial care infrastructures in Central Europe’, paper presented at the conference Decent Care Work? Transnational home care arrangements, Frankfurt, Germany, 6-8 April 2021.

Krause, Kristine, Luise Schurian and Mariusz Sapieha ‘Perfume, buildings and graves. Ways of relating in transnational chronic care infrastructures’, paper presented at the Chronic Living Conference: quality, vitality and health in the 21st century, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-6 March 2021.

Krause, Kristine ‘Thinking care as moments of meeting: the case of German elderly in private Polish care homes’, paper presented at the workshop: Moments of Meetings, Elizabeth Hsu, 60th birthday, Oxford, United Kingdom, 13-14 September 2019.

Krause, Kristine, Mariusz Sapieha and Luise Schurian ‘Between geriatric colonialism and liberal entrepreneurialism: the case of care homes for Germans in Poland’, paper presented at the IUAES Inter-Congress, Poznan, Poland, 27–31 August 2019.

Krause, Kristine ‘Places as intersections in care outsourcing from Germany to Poland’, paper presented at the Care and Place symposium, UvA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 July 2019. 

Krause, Kristine, Mariusz Sapieha and Luise Schurian ‘Care homes for Germans in Poland: of what is this a case? Preliminary readings of an emergent phenomenon’, invited lecture, Departmental Seminar, Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Poznan, Poland, 27 May 2019.

Krause, Kristine and Mariusz Sapieha ‘Waiting for German elderly: care outsourcing through global care corporations and transnational care entrepreneurs in Poland’, paper presented at the 15th EASA Biennial Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 14–17 August 2018.